CAM fourth axis/it

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Queste funzioni sperimentali consentono la fresatura di facce e tasche

Queste funzioni sono in fase di sviluppo iniziale. Possono esistere dei bug. Grazie per il vostro feedback e test.


Ideally, upgrade to version 0.19.16502, or higher.

Download these scripts:

Place them in your FreeCAD/Mod/CAM/PathScripts directory, *after* renaming your originals for safe keeping. Rename the new scripts to the original script names. Restart FreeCAD and have fun.

Use at your own risk.


Current 4th-axis capable operations do not handle complex/compound rotations: those involving X and Y simultaneously.

There is currently no GUI integration of 4th-axis rotational settings in the release branch. All related settings are in the Data tab of the Properties View section for each individual operation supported.


Profile Faces

Pocket Shape

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